Postgraduate Programmes in Dentistry
Islamabad Medical & Dental College offers postgraduate programs in dentistry for a limited number of graduates and hence entry into these programs is highly competitive. The idea of following a new program of studies at a higher level might initially appear daunting but this is then the next step in a graduates professional career and personal development. Whatever the source of motivation, it is indeed a question you should ask yourself now that you hold a copy of this Prospectus, if this is the right time and place to start your postgraduate studies. Year on year, the postgraduate students have been increasing steadily, as has the selection of postgraduate courses on offer. Presently we provide six postgraduate programs in dentistry which may interest you;
- MDS Orthodontics
- MDS Operative Dentistry
- MDS Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
- MSc Periodontology
- MSc Oral Medicine
- Mphil Community Dentistry
All postgraduate programs are taught course with a significant portion of research work. Clinical programs also include a variety of mandatory cases to be completed during the program. Successful completion of the training, examinations and thesis defense leads to a postgraduate degree from Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University.
We take pride in our faculty to have prepared a robust curriculum for postgraduate programs. The postgraduate structure by default provides the graduates to attain an attractive portfolio. The busy dental hospital provides immense number of cases for graduates to treat, hence attain excellence in skill and dexterity. Learning facilities are provided in the departments with access to international journals and books. The postgraduate elective provides an opportunity for graduates to mingle and work with renowned national and international consultants brining in a very different flavor for the graduates, as they spend upto six weeks working in another Institute gaining valuable insight into different ways of learning and experiencing different dental care delivery.
Development for the future include greater integration of all postgraduate programs and a new web based log book system for students as a foundation to better archiving their work for their lifelong learning needs.